Chinese medicine is an ancient system for restoring balance and helping the body's various systems work in harmony. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss (or any other issue for that matter), Chinese medicine seeks to determine what imbalance underlies a particular person's weight issue. It can do far more than merely help you fit back in your skinny jeans; it can help you be a healthier
Being overweight is not a disease in and of itself; it is a symptom of a larger imbalance, especially in people who struggle with weight issues their whole lives. Some popular diets focus on limiting one or more categories of food (usually carbohydrates or fats) to encourage quick weight loss. Other programs rely heavily on prepackaged portion-controlled foods, which often have suboptimal nutritional value despite being low calorie
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The first important concept is that Take Out Near Me Chinese Chinese Buffet Near Me Now according to Chinese medical theory, the main reason to eat is to give the body energy, or qi. Some foods, namely ones that are fresh and not overly processed, have more energy-giving potential. One of the major failings of standard diet programs is that they often place quantity above quality. While learning appropriate portion size is a vital component of any healthy weight loss program, calorie counting without discussion of nutrient density
Another Chinese idea related to food is that it has innate energetic properties that can either help or hinder a person's health. Food and medicine are often the same in China. Many of the same herbs that are prescribed in a custom herbal formula from the hospital herbalist may appear in both Chinese home-cooked and banquet dishes. The Chinese know how to cure many common health conditions simply by adding or deleting certain foods from their diets.
Yet another important point, celebrated by macrobiotics (which is a specific Asian-influenced dietary philosophy) is to eat simply eat fresh, and, whenever possible, eat local. The over industrialization of food in the past 40 years has left America unique in the world as the most overfed yet undernourished culture ever to exist. Much of what we call food is not food at all; hydrogenated fats, for example, are recognized to be more like plastic by our bodies' digestive systems than food. Artificial sweeteners can be tens or even hundreds of times sweeter than natural sugars and therefore create unprecedented cravings for other sweet treats.
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